Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Filler Post: Please Ignore

This is going to be a terrible post, I'm sorry, but, I have a purpose here.  I have garnered a small amount of... followers?  Subscribers?  I haven't a damn clue as to what to call people who follow me or bookmark me or anything like that.  But I have gained a very strange amount of fame from my top X lists and I'm unsure how to handle it.  And I feel like I have a need to explain how posts are going to be handled because of the people who are now tracking me. 

The posts are going to be strange.  That's as far as I can get.  I grabbed 20+ games from the Steam holiday sale and they're going to show up here, eventually.  I'm not going to depart from my review style which is about 2-3 months late but it seems to be what people want.  But I wanted to warn everybody.  I don't review new games, hardly ever.  Unless you're a brand spanking new IP that I decided warranted a review you're going to be late here.  The PM's I've been getting are about 70% supportive, 10% wondering why I don't review new games (I'll give you a hint, I don't get review codes, I do this for free, I get paid absolutely nothing for this blog), 5% asking whether or not I "Recommend" a particular game (If you don't pick up on whether or not I "like" a game, you don't get my reviews at all)   And 15% asking something stupid like if I can give out of 10 reviews so people can get what I like, and not a snowball chance in fucking hell am I going to give any numerical review scores.  If you want, at any point, an out of 10 review, leave, right now, it's never going to fucking happen.  I despise out of any number ranking systems.  I'm never going to, at least in a  serious sense, going to give numerical reviews as I'd prefer to delude myself to having integrity.   And I understand that people are going to pass me up because of that but I don't care.  I'm going to stick to my guns on this point in particular.  There's no numerical representation that can understand gaming.  It's just plain not going to happen.  It works with music and movies because of the limited scope of user interaction that is experienced, but not for games.  I can not, in any good conscience, express my entire experience in some stupid ass out of X list. 

But the long and the short of it is I love this blog.  This is the best part of my week and I'm completely serious.  I love reviewing games and if even one person looks at my post I feel I'm made an impact.I want to keep writing and despite the fact that I suck at it, I love every single second of it.  I spend all of my gaming time thinking of clever shit to say on this blog.  I go into games thinking how I'm going to review things and while the screenshots may be sparse, I take about 5 times as many screenshots as I post.  I love every person that checks this blog and indulging my insanity.

As I've gained viewers, I feel a need to produce more and more professional content and I will  as I add content.  I've recently acquired a 1TB hard drive  and I'm toying with the idea of adding videos to my reviews, the only thing holding me back is the crazy new content ID system from YouTube.

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