Thursday, December 19, 2013

Top 5 PC Games of 2013

It's the end of the year and it's time to look back, see how far we've come, see the misteps, and make an easily digestable list for people who like numbers and lists, you know who are.

Now, I must say this before I go on.  I don't play new games very often.  Rarely do I find anything I value at $60 that I can't wait 4 mouths to drop to half of that.  On top of that, I don't pirate games anymore.  Mostly because I can afford games now and partially because I have a backlog I may never get through.  After this post, I will make another list of the Top 10 Games I played this year as more of a guide as to what's worth picking up on the holiday sales that are about to start.

These are my opinions, if you don't like them then I'm not sure why you're even bothering to read this.


Rouge Legacy

Seems to be the year of procedurally generated games.  Rouge Legacy captured a hilarious way of making me hate myself.  The game is harsh, unforgiving, fun as hell and addictive as just about anything.  Tight controls, challenging gameplay and always new stuff to see and a new carrot to chase after, Rouge Legacy caused more than it's share of late nights


Shadow Warrior

A recent acquisition and I promise a full review once I get through it all, but god damn.  Stunning graphics, hilariously over the top writing and the best damn sword play to ever grace the mouse and keyboard.  A self-aware rehash of shooters past.  Gory, unrealistic, gratuitous, unnecessary and some of the best fun on the PC right now.  The only reason it's not higher is I haven't played enough to place it there. 



Puzzles, action, super-pants, nothing not to like.  Surprised the hell out of me and has had many a reply this year.  Additively simply, compellingly complex and a nice detective story doesn't hurt.  Great game and great writing leaves noting to be desired.  And you can make your own superpants-tastic levels.


Bioshock: Infinite 

I can't believe this made it to spot 2, but there you have it.  Dumbed down combat, odd controls but god damn what a ride.  The non-mechanics part of the game made up for everything and this game has stuck with me all year, essentially demanding a replay.  It's gorgeous, it's compelling and mystifying.  It's worth it.


Metro: Last Light

I know I was mean to it in the first review, but this is the clear winner.  The most atmospheric game I've ever played.  Bleak, harsh and beautiful in all aspects.  Fantastic gameplay, great mechanics, compelling story, interesting world and the most poetic ending in a long time.  It's a must play for anyone even slightly interested.  Game of the Year right here.

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